I hate my sister, she's such a bitch. My sister Rhoda is so self-centered. She thinks only of herself. I honestly don't know how we came out of the same womb.
yeah I hate my sister... she bit me!... she broke the picture frames last night!!! she is an idiot! my sister's got such a fucking huge ego she will not even listen to Mom. She think's she is the greatest thing that walked the planet since Frodo Baggins. Personally I'd wish someone would bash her or give her a major bitch session she'd never forget. She has this holier-than-thou attitude and reckons she can say whatever she wants. When she has a grumpy day, she makes everyone else grumpy.
Obviously none of you know my sister, if you met this girl you'd honestly rather be dead. She is evil embodied into a human. God decided to play a cruel joke on me and take all the qualities that I hate and put them into her. I don't wish she would die, I just wish i wouldn't have to deal with her shit. I don't mean it when i say I wish she would die, I just wish she would go away and take her shit with her. I can't wait to go off to college and see as little of her as possible. And it's not that I hate my siblings, it's just her, because I get along with everyone else. So lend me your ears, all that have an atrocious being for a sister...you are not alone.